9292 East CD Ave.
Richland, MI 49083

Just Wait

Wait for the Lord: be strong and let your heart take courage. Psalm 27:14 


"Waiting is God’s wooing He longs to draw close and equip you well." - Rachel Wojo


I am still always amazed when I am doing my devotional time and God hits me upside the head with a new concept or maybe one I forgot about.  I remember when my kids were little and my entire world revolved around meeting their needs, talk about overwhelming and taxing.  Someone told me to never pray for patience because God would put me in situations to prepare me for it or test me in it.  Now that my kids are older I’m not sure that’s the case,  I can look back on at as a season instead.  I find myself doing that with my long awaited answered and unanswered prayers, too.


However, this idea of God drawing me closer and equipping me is so true.  Only God knows what the answers to my prayers are and how they will affect me.  God loves me so much that He already knows the time table to perfectly answer my request.  He created each of us and intimately understands us.  He knows exactly what we need and when we need it. This perspective is a game changer.


What if we use our time in the interim to be strong and courageous in our faith? What if we celebrate what is to come by resting in the assurance that God knows what He is doing? What if we praise Him in our downtime for never leaving our side and for equipping us for what is to come? What if we insert that dreaded word, patience, into our lives and rejoice in knowing that God’s timing is perfect for our well being? What if we get excited about how God is working in our lives to mold us, teach us and change us to prepare us for our future?  What if we change our perspective to see waiting on the Lord as a privilege our Father in Heaven values us enough to make sure we are ready for what lies ahead?


Isn’t it mind-blowing how much God loves us?  If we can embrace this love and live in the present we can rest in the assurance that He is doing great things in us, that He is preparing us for great things in Him!  Grasp hold on to His strength, He gives us everything we need to wait and to move forward.

-Beth TA