9292 East CD Ave.
Richland, MI 49083

You Reap What You Sow


”Sow righteousness reap love. It’s time to till the ready earth, it’s time to dig in with God, until He arrives with righteousness ripe for harvest.” Hosea 10:12  The Message

Do you want to see a miracle, or better yet, be a beginning of one? Plant a seed of love into another person’s life and top it off with a smile and a prayer. That’s it. 

There are many things in this life that we over complicate, and thus never get around to doing… this shouldn’t be one of them. I am calling you to something incredibly easy and powerful. Just give it a shot and sit back and watch what happens!

An employee receives a simple compliment. A wife gets an unexpected gift. A widow gets a hug. A youth gets praise. Waitstaff gets praised for their service. A door is held opened, a nod and a smile are exchanged and worth is recognized.

Small acts, big possibilities.

Planting a seed of peace and love is just like planting a kernel of corn…you don’t know why it works, it just does. Seeds of love and peace are planted and as they grow they push through the hardened topsoil of hurt.


Don’t forget to be planting, and never underestimate the power of a seed!

-Pastor Todd