My calendar says that it is Easter Monday. I’m not sure what that is , but it is a perfect opportunity to reflect on yesterday. Easter is the pinnacle of our faith! It is in truth the biggest celebration in the Christian Church. We have been set free! We are saved from our sins, from death! We have hope and a future!
The praise team worshipped yesterday with a musical. I hope everyone that was able to attend felt God’s overwhelming presence and was able to celebrate and worship with us. One of the songs we sang was called Live the Cross. The chorus is:
Now we live the cross, and we lift it high! Your cross will be our freedom cry! Love has conquered death; death has brought us life. Now we live, we live the cross!
These are powerful words and they are so very true and absolutely relevant! We need to live The Cross! Jesus sacrificed himself for a reason. For is unconditional, overwhelming love for You and Me! We are free from sin and death. My pray for each of us is that WE LIVE THE CROSS!!!!!!
-Beth TA